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The term ‘Life Skills’ refers to the skills you need to make the most out of life.

Any skill that is useful in your life is a life skill. Tying your shoelaces, swimming, driving a car and using a computer are, for most people, useful. Broadly speaking, the term ‘life skills’ is usually used for any of the skills needed to deal confidently and effectively with the challenges of life.

It should, therefore, be clear that everyone will potentially have a different list of the skills they consider most essential in life and those that they consider unnecessary. Someone living in a remote rural community might put driving a car high on their list of essential skills. A Londoner or New Yorker, However, would probably rank that pretty low.\
Communication and interpersonal skills. This broadly describes the skills needed to get on and work with other people. Particularly to transfer, In other words, and receive messages either in writing or verbally.

Decision-making and problem-solving. This describes the skills required to understand problems, and to find solutions to them, alone or with others, and then take action to address them.

Creative thinking and critical thinking. This describes the ability to think in different and unusual ways about problems. To find new solutions, or generate new ideas. The ability to assess information carefully and understand its relevance.

Self-awareness and empathy, which are two key parts of emotional intelligence. They describe understanding yourself and being able to feel for other people as if their experiences were happening to you.

Assertiveness and equanimity, or self-control. These describe the skills needed to stand up for yourself and other people, and remain calm even in the face of considerable provocation.


Resilience and ability to cope with problems, which describes the ability to recover from setbacks, and treat them as opportunities to learn